Thursday, April 29, 2010

6 word story


This may seem like a very boring 6 word story but it is by far telling the story of not only my experience in english 101 this semester, but how I will use this new knowledge in the future. I have always done well on a lot of papers but that was simply because I've always been pretty good at the grammatical part of writing. I've never had someone teach me how to properly use rhetoric, voice, explication, close reading, and really hammering out an argument that is siphoned throughout the whole paper by the reader. These 6 words demonstrate the journey of getting to this classroom, being pushed to make every draft, idea, and argument better, and leaving with a "well-needed" experience fully accomplished. Whether or not my papers turn out to be the very best in the class, they are by far the best papers (as far as core writing responsibilites and revision) I have personally ever produced. They have allowed me to understand the process I need to go through(although I'm not finished) in order to make my paper as good as possible. The reason I used "coming across" is because I would have never actually went out and accepted that my writing needed a lot of help. Had I been placed in a class that didn't offer a huge challenge to my ability as a writer I probably wouldnt be where I am at today. Rachel, being a very challenging professor indeed, has made such an impact on the way I will approach all papers in the future, and coming across this class has allowed me to definitely take more out of an English101 class than I ever had expected.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Work

Out of all my papers, I definitely think my research paper is going to be the best. I have started diligently revising it, and I have a good foundation from the rough draft to work with. The reason I think this is my best is because I have eight pages to show what I have learned throughout the semester. I have the ability to integrate all of my skills into a paper that Im excited and interested to write. All of my other papers were somewhat rushed and over a topic I didnt enjoy, making them less meaningful to me personally and overall bland. However, for the portfolio I am going to obviously make them more interesting and have fun with them. Regarding my knowledge and interest in nutrition, The Jungle (my topic) is going to be a very fun paper to write, and I hope it turns out just that way for the reader as well.

Considering the paper that needs the most work, I have to go with my personal analysis essay. I chose Arnold Schwarzenegger and a weird parallel between our lives that was hard to go with, but it ended up working out in the end. Really tying my reader into this essay and giving them a reason to read it is going to be what I need to hammer out most, but Im willing to take the time to do so. This paper showed my weaknesses specifically in explication and demonstrating analysis of my thoughts. In order to make this paper good, Im going to have to revise and make it "personal" and maybe find some good quotes from Arnold himself. Once I integrate these quotes, I will be able to analyze the similarities we have and share that with the reader.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


First off, I definitely think Chris would start his life completely over like it was before he decided to lose contact with his parents. The big deciding factor is the fact that Krakauer figured out he didnt commit suicide, and actually wanted to survive in the end rather than go on a journey he knew would end with death, which I originally leaned towards. Chris did everything he could, from crossing the river to eating the correct seeds, he was trying to survive on his journey.

If Chris would have made it out alive, he would have used his intelligence to pursue a very intriguing and motivating book. The kind of descriptions and stories he could have pursued in this book would have been absolutely amazing, and something not many people would have been able to do, especially with the intelligence he possessed. Because of previous relation problems, I feel he would have started talking with his parents more, but never have the same relationship he previously had. His dad's affair really upset him, and I dont think Chris could have ever had the same relationship with him ever again. I have a feeling that Chris would have been much more emotional when he got out after going through so much, leading him to a better relationship with his sister and possible a wife. I felt the whole book as if Chris wasn't very inclined to get very close with his parents, and after his journey he would definitely keep it that way, never going in to much detail about his journey with them. The only reason I say this is because of the lack of affection he showed them the two years before he went in to the wild, it would be hard for him to come back and want to share a lot with them.

With his previous education he would obviously pursue a job in the future, but I think it would be a job that would allow him to go on future journeys. Having so much confidence going in to the wild, if he made it out alive he probably would feel as if he could do anything. At Emory University he definitely excelled in all of his classes, which would convince him to go back to another University. With a big degree I feel like he could do almost anything, definitely making a career out the things he enjoyed in life. With all this said, Chris was an intelligent guy that gained even more intelligence while living in the wild; had he made it out who knows what incredible things he could have done.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Chris McCandless

The more I started reading and really trying to understand the journey Chris went on, the more I started accepting him and his approach toward his love for the wilderness. In the beginning, for my second paper actually, I took the focus of how idiotic and unintelligent his decision to go into the wild was. With no background information other than how smart Chris was and how bright of a future he had, I felt it was childish of him to waste such potential. As the book continued and I began to find out more about Chris, for example his father's affair, I started realizing he had MORE of a reason than I previously imagined. With all this said and a bit more emotion felt toward's McCandless, I still feel he could have been a lot more prepared and had a successful journey. The Topographic map is a great example, having this could have helped him realize(had he not) how close he was to get help when he was nearing what felt like death. I feel like a great book could have been created by Chris himself had he survived such a life-altering journey, which would have really benefitted and influenced individuals.

Considering the way Chris personally felt about not bringing the map, I think he was doing it simply the way he done other things. Chris came unprepared in many different areas, and the map was a way of staying "incognito" among other things he abandoned (Krakauer 176). I feel the best words to describe his actions were "unaware and over-confident," not really thinking about how that map could impact him in the future but not really caring in a sense. Thinking his escape route was destroyed with there being no other way out, Chris returned to the bus and eventually starved. Had that map been available, he could have formed another way out or atleast had a better idea of where "salvation" existed (Krakauer 176).

As I am still taking the approach towards Chris' selfishness, Krakauer's approach seems a bit biased. The whole book, sharing many similar qualities with McCandless himself, Krakauer has explained to the best of his abilities "why" Chris would do the things he did. This was effective, helping me think outside the box a little bit, but not enough to persuade me the other way completely. Krakauer has done a great job setting up this sense of credibility we should have for Chris, which has helped me understand his journey a bit more but his bias has really come out towards the end of the book. As for effective, it probably is for many, but not exactly for me.