Thursday, April 15, 2010


First off, I definitely think Chris would start his life completely over like it was before he decided to lose contact with his parents. The big deciding factor is the fact that Krakauer figured out he didnt commit suicide, and actually wanted to survive in the end rather than go on a journey he knew would end with death, which I originally leaned towards. Chris did everything he could, from crossing the river to eating the correct seeds, he was trying to survive on his journey.

If Chris would have made it out alive, he would have used his intelligence to pursue a very intriguing and motivating book. The kind of descriptions and stories he could have pursued in this book would have been absolutely amazing, and something not many people would have been able to do, especially with the intelligence he possessed. Because of previous relation problems, I feel he would have started talking with his parents more, but never have the same relationship he previously had. His dad's affair really upset him, and I dont think Chris could have ever had the same relationship with him ever again. I have a feeling that Chris would have been much more emotional when he got out after going through so much, leading him to a better relationship with his sister and possible a wife. I felt the whole book as if Chris wasn't very inclined to get very close with his parents, and after his journey he would definitely keep it that way, never going in to much detail about his journey with them. The only reason I say this is because of the lack of affection he showed them the two years before he went in to the wild, it would be hard for him to come back and want to share a lot with them.

With his previous education he would obviously pursue a job in the future, but I think it would be a job that would allow him to go on future journeys. Having so much confidence going in to the wild, if he made it out alive he probably would feel as if he could do anything. At Emory University he definitely excelled in all of his classes, which would convince him to go back to another University. With a big degree I feel like he could do almost anything, definitely making a career out the things he enjoyed in life. With all this said, Chris was an intelligent guy that gained even more intelligence while living in the wild; had he made it out who knows what incredible things he could have done.

1 comment:

  1. We both had similar ideas about Chris finding a job but still continuing to travel every now and then. We also had similar ideas about Chris not wanting to be very close with his parents. I think that Chris would not chose to contact them at all though, due to the fact that his father is one of the big reasons he left. I agree that he would stay close with his sister too because she was a big part of his life. The fact that you brought up him getting married potentially is interesting, I didn't think of that. Chris never allowed himself to get too close to people on his journey so I never really thought of him getting married. But, this could have been because he knew he wasn't going to stay with each person along his journey very long so he didn't want to get too close.
    The idea of him writing a book is also interesting and something I didn't think of. It seems reasonable though considering he kept a journal, wrote notes in margins of books, and took pictures. He documented his journey pretty well so a book would be a plausible thing for him to do. He is also very intelligent and passionate so if he did write a book I agree that it would be very interesting. Maybe if Chris made it out alive and wrote a book people would see him as a hero rather than ignorant.
