Thursday, February 18, 2010

Like Toy Soldiers- Eminem

I've never been a huge music person, don't get me wrong I love music, but no song has really moved me too much. I look to music for motivation. This song choice may seem a bit odd, but the message entailed in When I'm gone by Eminem is awesome. "When they know they're your heart, and you know you were their armor." This shows the love he has for his daughter, but this relates to anyone's life. This whole "love" thing is brought to mind in a different light, demonstrated by poor behavior and the regret of never showing that loved one how much you REALLY care about them. "I dont know go play Hailie, baby, your daddy's busy." He is showing the way he wished he didn't treat his daughter, and how she comes first, but he chose to put her second. His songs always highlight the hardships he faced and what he would have changed about his past.

His songs bring some pretty crazy images to mind, mostly sadness that is designed to motivate an individual to not do the things he's done, and to believe in yourself through every step in life. Eminem hasn't had the picture perfect life a lot of us have had so far, and his music demonstrates this perfectly. It's almost as if he's upset when he sings, but this has always been his way of rapping. He came from an all black neighborhood, never gave up, and his dreams came true. He isn't my favorite artist, but I definitely enjoy his music and its always first on my playlist at the gym.


  1. So I must admitt a few of Eminem's songs aren't very good and seem like he's just messing around. But, there are a lot of good ones where he shows a lot of emotion. Even if you don't connect to what he's saying you have to be inspired by how strong his emotions are and how much he puts that into a lot of his songs. Toy Soldiers is definitely my favorite so good choice on that.

  2. I never realized this but I intended on doing Toy Soldiers for this prompt but changed it to When I'm Gone last second. So, disregard that title and yes Kristen, Toy Soldiers is definitely my favorite.

  3. Eminem gets me pumped from time to time. Don't really need to get pumped any more, but it did. My high school baseball team and I listened to "lose yourself" every practice because our coach thought it had a powerful message. He is right and it was tight listening to music every practice. And it did get us "pumped." Eminem does a better job than most rappers of getting emotion across.

  4. I listen to Eminem as motivation too, believe it or not. I also have a specific playlist set aside to motivate me during workouts or prior to playing in a game. Eminem's music really does have a meaning behind it, and it's great how you mention it in your response here. There are songs that highlight the hardships of many, but Eminem is a terrific example.

    He is not my favorite artist, but his music is good. It's great that he came up from that neighborhood to reach his goals. From the song you chose, people just need to prioritize things in their life. Whether it be who they spend time with or what they do each day, making decisions is critical. Eminem hasn't put his daughter first, and not all parents put their children first either. I tend to put family first for the most part, but there are times when I don't. We all make mistakes and try to learn from them so we can do better.
