Thursday, February 25, 2010


Advertisements are by far the most effective way to convey a message. Like i mentioned in class, no matter how "out there" and unbelievable an add seems, people still believe it. Advertisements are what attracts me to a fast food restaurant, sporting event, or even a party here on campus. The best part is they reach out to everyone.

For my project I chose to do an advertisement for a supplement, and I actually had a lot of fun doing this. After reading so many repetitive ads working at GNC I knew it'd be easy to plagiarize while doing this, so I spent some time creating my own catchy phrases. These advertisements are "over the top" for a reason, all to give an extremely overwhelming sense of motivation to look the best you can. The company that had the best advertisements and bodybuilder backing them was the company that sold the most products.


  1. Ok agreeing with Kristen on this way. I liked your advertisements a lot Taylor because you brought up the issue that people can fabricate various information to make things seem more appealing. Advertisements do reach out to the general public, though at times they are directed towards a specific audience. As what you did for your ads, you did different ones towards various audiences, which was a great idea.

    It's cool that you worked at GNC and were able to use work experience into this project. Kudos to you on that! Your ads were over the top, in a good way. It just goes to show that people can believe anything and are willing to try various things just to "fit in."

  2. I agree, as shown in my blog, that ads are the most effective. They are everywhere and people don't always notice that they're advertisements but they will still stick in their minds. Ads also influence several types of choices people make on a daily basis like what music they listen to, clothes they wear, products they purchase, etc.
    I also agree that a lot of ads go over the top. Most times this is effective, such as in your ads you created. But other times it can make the ad seem like a joke.

  3. Almost all ads appear as a somewhat "joke" to me. If I looked at the ads I created in a store I'd probably roll on the floor laughing because of how unrealistic they are. BUT, believe it or not, the supplement companies that sell the most ALL hype their product to no end, to receive a complete emotional arousal from their consumer. Kind of embarrassing to anyone with experience, and I was a bit hesitant creating something so pathetic myself, but that's what society has left us with.

  4. Adds do go over the top and people believe them. So they are the very effective. I think you had a good idea with your ad. I think one of the best parts of sports was hearing people talk about the supplements they take to get stronger. It usually made my day.
